Expert in waste clearance

Do you need to clear a home or (business) premises? For whatever reason. This is a big job, we are well aware. That is why we are happy to help! We provide clearance, both for individuals and businesses. You can contact us for an entire clearance; from transportation to storage. We take care of everything; the entire waste and disposal process is taken care of by us.

We don’t just clear out contents, inventory or old equipment. We basically take anything as long as it is not dangerous and can be lifted by our staff. So pre-sorting is not necessary, we take most types of waste in one go.

Our friendly staff is happy to make things easy for you. All you have to do is point out or make known what needs to go and our people will make sure everything disappears. We remove items from wherever they are (even from the garden or basement).

We are strong advocates of sustainability and believe that together we can make a difference for future generations by focusing on responsible waste management. We carefully remove all your waste. Everything we take away we take to a waste management company where a thorough sorting takes place.

We have extensive experience with all types and sizes of clearances. We offer customized solutions and have a suitable solution for every situation! Even for storage of household effects or a (partial) move to another location, you have come to the right place!

Our working method

To see if we also operate within your client’s zip code area, please enter the address information in our appointment window. Is the right region not listed? Please contact us if you do! We may still visit your client.


Perhaps you have considered renting a dumpster yourself for the eviction? Renting a dumpster offers numerous advantages, but
Leaving it completely in the hands of our professionals offers many more advantages. You can read more about that in this article.

Afval Ophaal Dienst BV IconAfval Ophaal Dienst BV

Kloosterbaan 27, Roermond

4.8 811 reviews

  • Avatar Roy van Ringelenstein ★★★★★ in de afgelopen week
    Je kunt gemakkelijk online reserveren een een prijsindicatie opstellen. Daarna is bij mij Bert keurig volgens afspraak geweest om alles op te halen. Van begin tot eind perfect van alles op de hoogte geweest en goed geholpen! (Ik kan geen … More foto posten want al mijn afval is weg ;))
  • Avatar as bos ★★★★★ in de afgelopen week
    Eenvoudig afspraak plannen. Op het afgesproken moment oude deuren afgehaald. Aardige en behulpzame mannen.
  • Avatar V V ★★★★ in de afgelopen week
    This company is dedicated to its mission. They are on time, quick and easy on details. It's really a quick way to get rid of stuff you can't get rid of through other channels or means. It's not particularly cheap, though. … More
  • Avatar Ton ★★★★★ in de afgelopen week
    Prima bedrijf. Goede communicatie en afval volgens afspraak opgehaald op de afgesproken plek.

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