Compare prices

See below the price comparison of various products you can rent to dispose of your waste yourself vs. our waste collection service. We do not rent products, we personally collect all your waste from your home or business. Easier and cheaper!

(0.5 - 1 m³)
(2 - 3m³)
(5 - 6m³)
(9 - 10m³)

Afval Ophaal Dienst vs. Container Rental

Did you know that renting a dumpster is more expensive than our waste collection service? Check out the many benefits and savings below!

Container Rentals:
Cheaper at any quantity and for any type of waste
More expensive
No permit required
Possible installation permit required (depends on municipality)
No lifting and carrying
Lifting and carrying yourself
In most cases everything is gone within fifteen minutes
Having a container in front of the door for a longer period of time
Transparent price matching the amount of waste to be disposed of (based on the actual number of cubic meters)
Price per container size, not per quantity of waste
Immediate and appropriate solution in case of discrepancy between estimated and actual quantity
More? Order extra container | less? Still pay for delivered container
All gone at once, regardless of different waste types
Multiple containers needed for multiple waste streams/types
Also available on Saturdays
Delivery mostly on weekdays or at weekend surcharge
No risk of disposal costs for third-party waste
Risk of disposal costs for waste from third parties who deposit it in the container
Specific time period of up to 2 hours
Broad time periods, often consisting of dayparts

Afval Ophaal Dienst BV IconAfval Ophaal Dienst BV

Kloosterbaan 27, Roermond

4.8 572 reviews

  • Avatar CertainlyBlue ★★★★★ in de afgelopen week
    Mijn oude bank kon snel en zonder problemen worden opgehaald. Zeer snelle en goede service!
  • Avatar Ela Palys ★★★★★ in de afgelopen week
    erg aardig en werkt heel snel en goed
  • Avatar nathalie baalemans ★★★★★ in de afgelopen week
    Ben hartstikke blij ,me zonnenbank was zo weg!
  • Avatar Els van der Wiel ★★★★★ in de afgelopen week
    Was snel gebeurd, ik had de kast op een kar in de openbare gang gezet dus hij kon hem zo meenemen. Ff betalen, in 5 minuten gebeurd. Aardige man.

No more fussing with your clutter?

We will collect everything from you quickly. At home or at work. When it suits you!