

Waste collection in Limburg

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Do you find yourself with a lot of clutter at home, or do you have old furniture that is no longer being used and is now just gathering dust? We at Afval Ophaal Dienst clear your home or business premises of various waste streams. From bulky waste, electronics to scrap iron and furniture. Save yourself time and effort and have everything collected at once.

Benefits of waste collection in Limburg

We drive throughout Limburg to clear your home or business of unnecessary waste. Besides creating more space in your home or business premises, Afval Ophaal Dienst in Limburg offers numerous other benefits. We have listed the main benefits for you:

You save time

This way, you don't have to drive back and forth to the dump, or stand in line at the environmental site.

No need to arrange transportation

There is no need to arrange transportation, nor do you have to dirty or damage your own car or company car.

You save power and energy

You save power and energy. Leave the lugging and heavy lifting to us.

Having waste picked up is cheaper than renting a dumpster

In doing so, you only pay for the actual amount of m3 of waste to be disposed.

Your waste is not on the street

We remove the items from the affected space.

Fast service

Easily schedule an appointment online to have your trash picked up at your residence or workplace in Limburg. We can often be there within 24 hours!

Environmentally friendly

We work with environmentally conscious waste management companies where as much as possible is recycled.

You can have several waste streams picked up at the same time

You do not have to sort or pay extra for this.

Get rid of all your waste in 6 steps:
Afval Ophaal Dienst takes care of the entire process for you. You hardly need to arrange anything besides making an appointment. Go through these 6 steps if you want to use Afval Ophaal Dienst in Limburg:

Waste collection in Roermond, Venlo, Maastricht, Heerlen and Sittard

Do you live in any of the above cities? Then Afval Ophaal Dienst is guaranteed to come to you. Our team drives down small villages and towns in Limburg in addition to the big cities. To see if we also operate within your zip code area, please enter the address information in our appointment window. Is your place not listed? Then contact us via the chat function. It is possible that we will come to you anyway.


No matter where you live, you can have your trash picked up in Limburg for the same price. We can often be there within 24 hours, getting rid of your waste in no time! From as little as €125,- we will come to you. It is often more economical to have other waste collected in addition to your old mattress, for example. After all, you pay per cubic m3. Also ask your family or neighbors if they have any trash. So you can split the cost provided it is picked up at one address. Handy right?

No more hassle with your waste?

We collect your waste quickly and easily for you.
Schedule appointment