

Waste collection in Drenthe

Enter your zip code below and make an appointment immediately to collect your waste!

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Fill in your postal code, house number, and optional addition.
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We all know it; the annual cleanup that keeps us busy all weekend. The attic or the shed is getting fuller and we don’t know where to put our stuff anymore. What do you still use and what can really be thrown away? This is step 1 of the process of de-cluttering and also the process that still gives us the most satisfaction. Step 2, however, is the step we look up to like a mountain; sorting and taking away all that waste. This is where Afval Ophaal Dienst comes in handy. Within often 24 hours, you can be rid of all your trash, without sorting, dirtying your car and trips up and down to the dump. Collected your trash over the weekend and got rid of everything on Monday. How nice is that!

Benefits of having waste collected in Drenthe

Create peace and space in your mind and prevent old clutter from staying in the attic unnecessarily. We have already mentioned some advantages of our service, here you have all the advantages in a list:

You save time

This way, you don't have to drive back and forth to the dump, or stand in line at the environmental site.

No car in your possession? No problem!

No transportation needs to be arranged either.

You save power and energy

You save power and energy. Leave the lugging and heavy lifting to us.

Having waste picked up is cheaper than renting a dumpster

In doing so, you only pay for the actual amount of m3 of waste to be disposed.

Your waste is not on the street

We remove the items from the affected space.

Fast service

Easily schedule an appointment online to have your trash picked up at your residence or workplace in Drenthe. We can often be there within 24 hours!

Environmentally friendly

We work with environmentally conscious waste management companies where as much as possible is recycled.

You can have several waste streams picked up at the same time

You do not have to sort or pay extra for this.

Get rid of your old furniture and trash within 6 steps!

Clean up with Afval Ophaal Dienst. We are only too happy to visit your home or business premises in Drenthe. Whether it’s an old sofa set and old office furniture or broken electronics or bulky waste; with us it’s more a question of what we don’t pick up.

Convinced of the benefits of our services and willing to pay for them? Then follow the 6 simple steps below and in no time your home or work environment will be delightfully waste free!

Waste collection in Assen, Emmen, Meppel and Hoogeveen

Do you live in or around the above cities? Then we will definitely come and pick up your dryer, bulky waste, old furniture or other trash in Drenthe. Please note that you are paying for our service. We are not a replacement for municipal regulations or environmental sites, but we do offer many advantages over these agencies.

We offer a total solution for anyone who wants to benefit from the convenience of our services and is able/willing to set aside a budget for this. With us, you don’t have to separate waste types, your waste is picked up at your convenience and you don’t have to put it out on the street.

The cost

We will come and pick up your old trash starting at €99. The cost of having trash picked up depends on the amount of trash. This is because our prices are based on the number of m3 of bulky waste. You can already estimate your amount of dirt with the cubic meter calculator.

Regardless of where you live or are located, we will come and pick up your trash in Drenthe for the same price. To see if we also operate within your zip code area, please enter your information in our appointment window.

No more hassle with your waste?

We collect your waste quickly and easily for you.
Schedule appointment