Bulky waste Eindhoven

Are you suffering from excess bulky waste in your home, garden or business premises in Eindhoven? Don’t worry, because we are ready to help you. At Afvalaaldaaldienst.nl, we understand that cleaning up and disposing of bulky waste can be a time-consuming and arduous task. That is why we offer a reliable and efficient bulky waste removal service in Eindhoven, so you can concentrate on the things that really matter.

We like to make it as easy as possible for you

At Waste Collection Service, we strive to make the process of bulky waste collection as simple and easy as possible for you. Whether it’s furniture, electronics, office waste, hospitality waste or other large items, our experienced team is ready to pick up your bulky waste and dispose of it properly. All you have to do is contact us and make an appointment, and we will take care of the rest.

You save time

It is a well-known fact that taking out bulky trash yourself can be time-consuming and tiring, especially if the items involved are large or heavy. This not only saves you time, but also eliminates the hassle of transporting your belongings yourself.

No need to arrange transportation

If you take out bulky waste yourself, you run the risk of damaging your vehicle. With our pickup service, you don’t have to worry about damage to your car or commercial van, and you don’t have to arrange other transportation either.

You save power and energy

That lugging around is not always good for your back. Therefore, leave it to us.

Affordable prices

Our bulky waste pickup service offers affordable prices based on the amount of bulky waste you have. That way you pay only for what you need and don’t pay for extra space you don’t use.

Your waste is not on the street

We remove the items from the affected space. That way you won’t have days of clutter in front of your door or the risk of other people putting their trash there.

Flexible appointments

At Waste Collection Service, we understand that your time is precious and your schedule may vary. That’s why we offer flexible arrangements based on your schedule.

Environmentally friendly waste disposal

We work with environmentally conscious waste management companies that provide responsible waste disposal and recycling. This is how you contribute to a cleaner environment.

Neatly tidied

We do all the heavy lifting and sweep the place where the garbage was. Tidied up. 

We can often pick up your bulky waste within 24 hours!

At Afval Ophaal Dienst, we understand that your schedule can be busy. That’s why we offer flexible appointment times to fit your schedule. Whether you need one-time bulky waste collection or regular collection services, we adapt to your needs. With our professional team and well-equipped vehicles, we can collect the bulky waste from you quickly and efficiently, without hassle or stress.

Together we provide a better living environment in Eindhoven

At the Waste Collection Service, we strongly believe in recycling goods. We offer valuable items we collect to various parties who can reuse them. Our goal is to reuse as much as possible and create as little waste as possible. With our network of partners, we strive for a more sustainable society and reduce the demand for new production. Please contact us if you have items that may still be usable. Together we can have a positive impact on the environment and society and work towards a sustainable future and a cleaner living environment in Eindhoven!

The cost of bulky waste collection

At our bulky waste service in Eindhoven, we have fair and competitive rates. We believe in transparency, so you only pay for the space your bulky waste takes up in our truck, with no surprising extra charges. To easily calculate the cost of your bulky waste disposal, we offer a handy cubic meter calculator on our website.

Our prices start as low as €99 for collecting your bulky waste. For larger quantities, we charge a surcharge per additional cubic meter of waste. This allows you to estimate the cost in a clear and straightforward way and you only pay for what you actually need.

Afval Ophaal Dienst BV IconAfval Ophaal Dienst BV

Kloosterbaan 27, Roermond

4.8 832 reviews

  • Avatar Sjaak Entius ★★★★★ in de afgelopen week
    Goede communicatie en snelle afhandeling.
  • Avatar theo embrechts ★★★★★ in de afgelopen week
  • Avatar Rens Gerrets ★★★★★ in de afgelopen week
    Snel en netjes! Vriendelijke mannen.
  • Avatar Rob Jansma ★★★★★ een week geleden

No more hassle with your waste?

We collect your waste quickly and easily for you.
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